The NAWSARH Project-2

  • 20 August 2012
  • aser

Applications received for Norway:


  • AgustaWestland  Ltd
  • Eurocopter SAS
  • JSC “Russian Helicopters” » (rejected due to too late delivery)
  • NHIndustries
  • Sikorsky International Operations Inc.
  • The Boeing Company

Applications received for Iceland:


  • AgustaWestland Ltd
  • Bristow Norway AS
  • Eurocopter SAS
  • Sikorsky International Operations Inc.


Candidates that have been Pre-qualified to submit tenders for delivery of future SAR helicopters, together with necessary materials and support  services, as replacement of today’s Sea King helicopters.
The procurement process for new SAR-helicopters was initiated October 21St 2011, when the possibility to participate in a Pre-qualification process was announced in Doffin/TED. At the same time Rikiskaup (The Icelandic State Trading Centre) published their procurement process on behalf of the Icelandic Ministry of Interior. On 30th November 2007, Norway and Iceland signed an agreement with the intention of running a joint process for the procurement of new SAR helicopters.

The Prequalified Candidates are:

A) AgustaWestland Ltd  



With a range of 750 nm (over 1300 km) and a large capacity cabin, the AW101 is the world's most advanced and capable SAR helicopter available today. The AW101 has all the required attributes for a SAR helicopter: large cabin, long range, high cruise speed, all weather operating capability, reliability and safety. Its cabin can accomodate 30 plus survivors, SAR equipment and crew, and the cabin can be reconfigured in flight to meet mission requirements.

B) Eurocopter SAS


A capable, mission-tailored solution for Norway’s new search and rescue helicopter acquisition is now available with Team NORDSAR. It brings together the extensive resources of Eurocopter and its EC225 NORDSAR helicopter with the in-country aircraft maintenance and logistic support capabilities of Heli-One Norway AS.

The Team NORDSAR (Nordic Search And Rescue) agreement, announced today, responds to Norway’s needs for a next-generation search and rescue (SAR) helicopter in meeting the country’s demanding operational requirements. It unites Eurocopter’s tailor-made EC225 Nordsar version – which is especially designed for SAR missions in the Nordic region – with Heli-One’s 50-plus year’s experience as one of the world’s largest rotorcraft support companies.

“We are very excited to join forces in a common bid with Eurocopter, which allows us to combine our skills and expertise in creating a winning team,” said Lars Landsnes, the Managing Director of Heli-One Norway AS. “A win of the Norway SAR contract will lead to significant investments in the future development of Heli-One’s facility in Sola, securing highly qualified labour and contributing to keeping the Stavanger region at the cutting edge of helicopter support.”

The Norwegian All Weather Search and Rescue Helicopter (NAWSARH) competition will result in the country’s introduction of a new helicopter fleet capable of flying in challenging mountainous and coastal
areas, as well as long-reach missions in the harsh Barent Sea.

“Team NORDSAR enables Eurocopter and Heli-One to join forces on mission capability, quality, safety and security for a solid, and strong NAWSARH joint bid“, stated Thomas Hein Eurocopter’s Vice President Sales and Customer Relations for Europe. “Heli-One already is servicing many of the over 120 Eurocopter helicopters operating in Norway, so we have a shared, strong history of cooperating in this context.”

The EC225 NORDSAR will incorporate one of the most advanced mission equipment packages on a SAR helicopter, benefitting from Eurocopter’s heritage of integrating cutting-edge avionics, flight control systems and autopilots – supported by the company’s unmatched experience in man-machine interface for high levels of flight safety.

In its specific NORDSAR configuration, the EC225 will meet Norway’s requirements for off-shore and mountain SAR missions, ensuring total operational flexibility in daily service. The Eurocopter EC225 is already on high readiness alert in the SAR-role at Hammerfest and off shore in the North Sea.

The EC225 NORDSAR and its military-qualified equivalent the EC725 NORDSAR, will in addition combine
anti-terror capabilities offering Norway with a true multi-role solution.

The EC225, along with Eurocopter’s AS332L1 version of the Super Puma family, already are used extensively in the Nordic region and Iceland for SAR missions, along with crew airlift flights to support the oil and gas sector. All civilian SAR-helicopters in Norway are delivered by Eurocopter.

C) NHIndustries



NH90: A technologically advanced military helicopter
with a European pedigree.

As a modern military helicopter, designed to meet NATO staff requirements, it benefits from the best of the European aerospace and defence industry.
Technologically advanced, it is a military asset with a long life ahead.

D) Sikorsky International operations Inc.



Civil, military and government helicopter operators face performance imperatives and budget realities that are more demanding than ever. The Sikorsky S-92 helicopter offers the ideal solution: a fast and agile all-weather helicopter with outstanding mission capability that is affordable to own and operate. The SAR configured S-92 helicopter has a spacious stand-up cabin that allows flexible floor plans and rapid reconfiguration, and a specialized mission system with built-in search patterns and a dedicated FLIR console. Add internal auxiliary fuel tanks for extended range, a medical litter kit, dual rescue hoists and ample cargo storage, and you have a highly versatile, cost-effective helicopter.

Sikorsky 92


The tentative plan is that the tender documents will be submitted to the Prequalified Candidates early April 2012. It is expected to have the first helicopters delivered during 2016 and Sea King phased out within the end of 2020.

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